
Hello, my name is Sam


Brigham Young University

Marriott School of Management Logo


Accounting, or the language of business, is a complex profession with very technical rules and calculations. BYU's accounting program is consistently ranked in the top 5 in the nation. In addition, the management core classes have given me a diverse view of business and how to be successful in the dental world.


Dentistry is my true passion. BYU offers a rigorous set of chemistry, biology, anatomy, and physiology courses to prepare students for dental school. Placement rates for students rests around 60-75%, making BYU the largest feeder school for dental students in the nation.

Midwestern University

College of Dental Medicine


Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine is an ADA accredited dental school founded in 2006. The curriculum is very career focused, with the goal to produce dentists that are prepared to practice on the first day out of school. Experiential education is highly emphasized.

Third- and fourth-year students work with skilled and experienced faculty to provide actual patient care at the Midwestern University Dental Institute. This clinical focus results in much higher average procedures performed than almost any other dental school in the United States. I am so proud to attend MWU and I look forward to each and every day!


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

My time in Oregon changed my life forever. I spent all of my time learning and teaching the principles of my religion, providing service to those in need, and teaching other missionaries.

More than half of the two years that I spent on my mission I was assigned to train new missionaries on the missionary schedule, mission policies and procedures, and developing their teaching abilities. I also served as a district leader over groups of 8-12 missionaries. This involved various duties like information gathering, teaching, and serving as an example to other missionaries.

missionary picture

BYU Pre-Dental Club

I spent a year as the service chair and a year as the vice president. I spent my time establishing our web presence at dental.byu.edu and streamlining our membership process. During my time, we experienced growth over 100%, and we had activities planned nearly every month so students could learn more about dental school. Several of our activities were focused on the application process and DAT preparation courses.

missionary picture

BYU New Student Orientation

New Student Oreientation was one of my favorite activities at BYU! I got to serve as an NSO leader three times during my time there. Each time involved approximately 10-20 hours of service over a single weekend. The goal was to introduce students to BYU and familiarize them with the campus and history. I also liked to share my own tidbits of information that I had learned from my years there.

Health Sciences Career Day

February 28, 2018

I loved new student orientation at BYU, so I decided to do the same thing at Midwestern! I spent seven hours leading high school students around the midwestern campus. We visited the dental sim lab, optometry lab, and patient simulation center. It was a fantastic experience to see students in high school interested in medical school and to be able to share my experiences with them.

Career Day Picture


April 3, 2018

The H.O.M.E. program stands for Health Outreach through Medicine and Education. I spent time at CASS (Central Arizona Shelter Services) giving Intraoral and Extraoral examinations under the supervision of an experienced dentist. I learned so much about myself and that I love using my new-found skills to benefit my community.

missionary picture

Give Kids a Smile

April 21, 2018

Give Kids a Smile is a yearly program ran by the Midwestern Dental Clinic. We volunteered from around 7 AM to 2PM helping children and parents get to the proper operatory and provide a general sense of excitement to be there. This program offers free dental care for underserved patients and is a critical link in the net to take care of children that may never see a dentist otherwise. I was proud to participate and I look forward to doing this every year of dental school.

Work Experience

BYU Broadcasting

Master Control Operator

Before Serving a mission, I went to BYU for a year. My first job in college was working in the Master Control room at BYU broadcasting, a worldwide broadcasting network known mainly for its association with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. While there, I oversaw the scheduling of programming to within 2-3 seconds for every hour. I frequently worked during the night and on weekends because BYUtv broadcasts 24/7. I also managed the broadcast of several live sports events using the most state of the art broadcasting systems available.

Hours Worked


Estimated Programs Overseen


Master Control

Ingest Technician

After my mission, I returned to BYUtv to continue my work, but I was taken down a different path. I was immediately rehired based on my previous relationship with the management and was tasked with ingesting (or digitally recording) BYUtv's vast library of tapes, hard drives and even film reels. This was Archive quality footage, so everything had to be perfect. I worked with every format reader imaginable and caught on very quickly to how things worked. One of my skills is to see a problem and investigate to develop solutions.

Hours Worked


Estimated Programs Ingested


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BYU Information Systems Department

IS201 - Introduction to Information Systems

Teaching Assistant

This was the best job that I have had up to this point in my life. I learned the I love to teach and I was given the opportunity on several occasions to do so. IS 201 covers the basics of informations systems. We began with a high level view of their conceptual nature, then we dove deep into Microsoft Acces and database design. We also included information on database diagramming. After that we taught them to organize and extract data from a database.

Extractions lead to analysis, including the incredibly popular Tableau software. Finally, to conclude the analysis we taught students to program in VBA in excel to process and clean data. I am an expert in all of the topics covered in that class, plus many other computer related topics.

"I learned how to communicate so that anyone can understand complex concepts"

August 2017

Head Teaching Assistant

After several years, I was assigned to be the head teaching assistant over IS 201. I oversaw over 600 students each semester and provided support to all of them. I also communicated the needs of professors to the 20+ TAs and worked on special projects. My favorite project involved aggregating all of the grades for the students who applied to the IS program from BYU's computer system to aggregate the information with other factors such as interview scores and resume grades to provide a 360 degree view of each applicant. I also built the support website used by the students called ishelp.info

Hours Worked


Students Helped


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DAT: Dental Admission Test

Overall Score


97.7th Percentile
"The DAT is a dental education admission test designed to provide dental education programs with a means to assess program applicants’ potential for success.
It consists of a battery of four tests on the following: Survey of the Natural Sciences, Perceptual Ability, Reading Comprehension, and Quantitative Reasoning."

Includes visual interpretation of apertures, view recognition, angle discrimination, paper folding, cube counting, and 3D form development

Includes mathemiatical problems in Algebra (equations and expressions, inequalities, exponential notation, absolute value, ratios and proportions, and graphical analysis), Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Sufficiency, Quantitative Comparison, and Probability and Statistics

The Reading Comprehension Test contains three reading passages on various scientific topics. Prior understanding of the science topics is not a prerequisite to answering the test items. The reading passages require the ability to read, comprehend, and thoroughly analyze basic scientific information.

Includes Cell and Molecular Biology, Biological organization and relationship to major taxa, structure and function of systems (Integumentary, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, immunological, digestive, respiratory, urinary, nervous/senses, endocrine, reproductive, integrated relationships), developmental biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, and behavior

Includes stoichiometry and general concepts, gases, liquids and solids, solutions, acids and bases, chemical equilibria, thermodynamics and thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, oxidation-reduction reactions, atomic and molecular structure, periodic properties, nuclear reactions, and laboratory techniques.

Includes mechanisms, chemical and physical properties of molecules, stereochemistry (structure evaluation), nomenclature, individual reactions of the major functional groups and combinations of reactions to synthesize compounds, acid-base chemistry, aromatics, and bonding.

Air Force Health Professions Scholarship Program

  1. The HPSP Program

    My journey into the air force
    Air Force Wings Logo

    The HPSP scholarship is an extremely competitive program designed to provide medical professionals to the military in exchange for tuition and living expenses while in dental school. For me, this program was more than just a simple exchange. It was generations in the making.

  2. My Father's Father

    October 4, 1946

    Walter Max Young (1917-1974) joined the Army as an enlisted man to work on the Panama Canal. He was a man of firm resolve, saying "Dear God...I dont ask for any easy place in the lineup, place me anywhere you need me. I only ask for the stuff to give you one hundred percent of what I've got."

    Air Force Wings Logo
  3. My Mother's Father

    January 16, 1953
    Air Force Wings Logo

    After getting married less than two months earlier, he joined the air force. He loved his family, and did everything possible to provide for them. Both of my grandfather's examples heavily influenced my mind as I prepared for dental school and seriously considered applying for the HPSP scholarship.

  4. First Contact

    May 20, 2016
    Air Force Wings Logo

    During the time when I was preparing to take the DAT, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to apply. On a late night after my test prep course, I made first contact with Omar Hernandez, a man that I would get to know over the next two years.

  5. The First Interview

    July 11, 2016
    Air Force Wings Logo

    My first application was for the 4-year scholarship, which covers 100% of all dental school costs and living expenses. I have been fortunate to know many great men and women who did me the honor of recommending me for the scholarship. On May 9th I drove to Las Vegas, NV to stay with my uncle and his family. On the morning of the 11th, I went to Nellis Air Force Base to be interviewed by the clinic director there. The interview went well, with the man interviewing me saying that he had high hopes for me to get the scholarship. I drove back to Provo, UT just in time to get back to class!

  6. The First Rejection

    October 21, 2016
    Air Force Wings Logo

    After 6 months of paperwork, interviews, more paperwork and a physical exam, Omar called. I was not selected. I didn't know what to do, but I knew that there was no harm in continuing in the direction I was going. I decided to apply for the 4 year Navy HPSP scholarship. More paperwork, more interviews, everything over again. I had it, I knew it.

  7. The Second Rejection

    February 27, 2017
    Samuel Young at the haystack rock in Pacific City, OR

    I filled out my paperwork in record time, collected letters of recommendation and completed the interview in half the time it took me last time. I also felt like a fool because I would have had a guaranteed navy scholarship if I would have started my application at the same time that I started my first Air Force application. Nevertheless, I went into the phone call with my recruiter with optimism. Another blow. I was not been accepted. Again.

  8. Take Every Chance

    May 18, 2017
    Air Force Wings Logo

    I wanted this. By this time, I knew I didn't even just want it for the huge financial gains it offered. I wanted this because I now knew what my grandfathers knew: America and the freedom it offers is worth protecting. I want to do my part to defend my country and serve my God. So, I went to interview on this day for the 3-year scholarship. One year less of financial backing, but I would still be getting what I really wanted.

  9. One Last Time

    January 2, 2018
    Air Force Wings Logo

    Omar called again. I got it. That was it. a year and a half of work culminated in one phone call. I will join the US Air Force as a Captain and a Dentist!

  10. The Future

    February 2, 2018

    I took my oath, and I am now an official member of the United States Air Force. I look forward to what the future brings, and I will never forget the lessons that the past two years have taught me: Work hard, persevere, define your own future, and above all trust God. He knows where I should be.